
Learn Personnel Administration Steps in Orchestra HR Settings

These steps under Settings > Personnel Administration. You can use these steps to configure Orchestra HR personnel administration.

Company Codes

Define company codes, you can define many company codes you need, define company code with 4char and enter company title for each.


1000 Demo1 Company

Personnel Areas

Define personnel areas, regions under your company codes. Under each company code, there should be at least one personnel area. You can group you personnel areas under personnel areas in next step. Again, personnel areas should be defined with 4char code, title and company code assignment.

Personnel Sub Areas

Define personnel subareas, workplaces under personnel areas, personnel subareas are workplace where legally employees are working in -can be office, factory or warehouse. Each personnel subarea should be assigned to one personnel area.

Employee Groups

Define employee groups based on legal restrictions/contract types.

Example: We advise you can create like;

1 Normal

2 Retired

3 Trainee

4 Expat


Employee Sub Groups

Define employee sub groups, white collar, blue collar etc, these definitions are made based on internal payroll or time evaluation rules.


01 Top Management

02 Mid Management

03 Blue Collars

EmpGrp-EmpSubGrp Assignments

Assign each employee subgroups to employee group in this step.

Action Reasons

Action reason types for employee actions

Actions-Action Reasons

Actions-Action Reasons

Address Types

Type of addresses you need store for employees, such as permanent, temporary address types.

Communication Types

Communication types that you want tor track, mobile, e-mail etc.,

0001 subtype reserved for Orchestra User. System will assign employee numbers from this subtype. So, please do not create for different purposes.

Family Subtypes

Define family member types that you need track, father, mather, spouse etc.,

Date Types

Date Types, hiring, annual base date, seniority base date,

Objects on Loan

Type of objects you are giving employees laptop, mobile etc.,


Sector types  that will be used in previous employers

School Types

School types that will be used in education infotype

Education Types

Education types for employees background data


Universities in your country

External Jobs

External jobs for previous employers


Infotype settings for ESS, MSS and HR use. 

Edits in ESS: if checked, employees can edit their infotype records.
Can de Created on ESS: if checked, employee can create new record,
Display on ESS: if checked, employee has authority to display infotype,
Can de Deleted on ESS, if checked, employee can delete infotype record.
Edits in MSS: if checked, manager can edit their infotype records.
Can de Created on MSS: if checked, manager can create new record,
Display on MSS: if checked, manager has authority to display infotype,
Can de Deleted on MSS, if checked, manager can delete infotype record.
Attached Doc: if checked, employee should attach document to submit new request,
ESS Direct Update: if checked, changes can be done by employees without submitting to personnel admin users,
HR Required: Used for stats to show how percentage employee data is complete, 

Infotype Subtypes

Infotype subtypes can be configured as same as infotypes in previous step.

*Be carefull that configs in this step overwrites the setting in previous step. 

Infotype Fields

Infotype field based screen display settings can be done in this step.

Seqno: Field visibility order in screen.
Overview screen: if checked, field is visible in overview screens.
Detail screen: if checked, field is visible in detail screen.
Enabled: If checked, field is enabled for user input.
Required: If checked, user has to fill this field.
Field Type: Select appropriate field type like text, date, textarea or dropdown.
Text Table: If field is dropdown type, here you need to define source table of picklist.
Value field: Value field in source table.
Text field: Text field in source table.
Condition: Where condition to get data from source table.
Max char: Maximum field length for text type fields. Not applicable for other field types.
Visible: If checked, if you want to display this field.
Trigger postback: If field change needs other fields change, then you can select this field and change where condition of affected fields.
Source system: System for source field selection.
DDM view type: type of view for dropdown fields.

Infotype Subtype Fields

You can define subtype dependent field attributes. For example if you do want to display university selection field when subtype is primary school. But you need to fill all subtype options.

Public Holidays

Public, legal holidays in calendar

Daily Break Times

Daily work breaks in daily work schedules (with start/end times)

Daily Break Times (MinMax based)

Daily work breaks (MinMax based)

Daily Work Schedules

Daily work schedules, with start, end times

Period Work Schedules

Period work schedules, rotation based weekly order of daily work programs

Monthly Work Schedules

Monthly work schedules defined from period work schedules

Generate Work Schedule

Generate work schedules from yoour defined rules


Absence types like leave, maternity etc, with rules

Absence Quotas

Absence quoats like annual leave


Attendance types like duty, travel etc, with rules

Attendance Quotas

Attendance quotas

Documents to Collect by ESS

Define document types to collect from employees

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